China University of Petroleum
    The First National Symposium on Oil and Gas Reservoir Sand Control and Well Completion Technology was held at UPC
    announcer:王晓璞 Release time:2021-07-28 Views: 10

    On July 22-23, the First National Symposium on Oil and Gas Reservoir Sand Control and Well Completion Technology was held at UPC. The theme of the conference was Innovative Flow-Solid Control Management, Energy Efficient Development, sponsored by the Key Laboratory of Unconventional Oil and Gas Development of the Ministry of Education and China University of Petroleum (East China), co-sponsored by 11 units including the Petroleum Engineering Technology Research Institute of Sinopec Shengli Oilfield Branch, and organized by three units including the Institute of Oil and Gas Production Engineering of the School of Petroleum Engineering at China University of Petroleum (East China). The initiator of the conference is Professor Changyin Dong from the School of Petroleum Engineering of our university. Nearly 250 experts, scholars and conference delegates from more than 70 institutions across China attended the conference, including Wang Zenglin, chief expert of Sinopec, and Xie Wenwei, deputy director of the Guangzhou Marine Geological Survey of China Geological Survey, focusing on solids (sand) control of multiple types of oil and gas reservoirs and well completion technology.

    Vice President Yao Jun attended the opening ceremony and delivered a speech, pointing out that sand emergence from reservoirs not only plagues the development of sparse sandstone reservoirs, but also in the context of the national oil and gas energy strategy to increase storage and production, a variety of conventional and unconventional oil and gas reservoirs have been facing increasingly serious sand emergence problems. The technological innovation of sand outflow control and flow-solid management for the purpose of stable and increased production is a major technical need for efficient oil and gas development. For a long time, there has been a lack of effective communication mechanism and platform in the field of sand production control. This conference will build a long-lasting communication platform for technicians of different types of oil and gas reservoir flow-solids control and extraction completion, promote the technical progress of the industry and help the efficient development of energy. Dai Caili, Dean of the School of Petroleum Engineering, attended the conference and introduced the latest development of the School of Petroleum Engineering and the discipline of petroleum and natural gas engineering.

    The conference arranged 4 invited presentations, 14 theme reports, 2 expert training lectures, 23 forum reports and 66 technical posters, with experts from CNPC, Sinopec, CNOOC, universities, colleges and private enterprises. Specific topics include sand emergence and prevention and control in sparse sandstone reservoirs, sand prevention and control in medium and high permeability reservoir fracturing and filling, control of proppant rejection in unconventional reservoir fracturing and modification, control of well wall instability and mud and sand output in carbonate reservoirs, control of mud and sand in natural gas hydrate, control of coal dust in coal bed natural gas reservoirs, control of sand emergence in geothermal wells/water injection wells, mechanism and control of sand emergence in gas reservoirs, etc. The academic committee of the conference reviewed the excellent papers (posters) and issued certificates on site; on July 24, our university's laboratory for efficient mining (sand control) well completion opened public welfare training on basic theoretical methods and experimental techniques of sand production control for young technical personnel attending the conference and issued a certificate of completion of the seminar training.

    Through this conference, the participating experts and scholars deeply exchanged and discussed new insights, technologies and results obtained from production and scientific research practices, which is of great significance to promote the development of sand control and well completion technology for oil and gas reservoirs.

    Copyright©:School of Petroleum Engineering, China University of Petroleum