The 8th Asian International Forum on Computational Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow was successfully held in Qingdao


From September 24th to 26th, 2021, the 8th Asian International Forum on Computational Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow hosted by our school was successfully held in Qingdao. The conference invited Imperial College London, Seoul National University, Tokyo Institute of Technology, and National University of Singapore. Nearly 800 experts, scholars and representatives from more than 80 universities around the world, including Xi'an Jiaotong University, Beihang University, Tsinghua University, etc., attended the conference, and the online live broadcast was watched by 450 people. Professor Yao Jun, vice president of our school, served as the chairman of the conference, and Professor Gong Liang, deputy dean of Shida Shanneng New Energy College, served as the executive chairman of the conference and presided over the meeting. In order to ensure that the epidemic prevention and control measures are in place, all participants are required to hold a green health code, report no medium and high risk areas in their 14-day itinerary, and report with a negative nucleic acid test report within 48 hours. Nucleic acid tests were conducted on all participants before and after the meeting. .

The conference focused on the major national strategic goal of carbon peaking and carbon neutrality, and brought together experts and teams in the field of energy storage and comprehensive energy utilization applications to help reduce carbon emissions. Numerical calculation of composition and multiphase flow, heat and mass transfer in porous media, numerical simulation of reactive flow, heat exchangers and applications, industrial heat transfer, multi-scale models and discrete methods and many other fields.

At the opening ceremony, Yao Jun thanked the guests and members of the organizing committee, and introduced the basic situation of our school to the guests. He said that he hoped that the participants would use the bridge of this seminar to focus on topics and fully communicate, so that new inspirations and new technologies can interact and collide, and spark ideas. At the same time, Yao Jun pointed out that our school will work with friends from all over the world from an all-round, multi-field and high starting point to jointly promote the development of computational heat transfer and fluid flow. Tang Guihua, chairman of the organizing committee, pointed out that computational heat transfer and fluid flow technologies have developed rapidly in recent years and have been applied in many fields. In the digital age, the combination of modeling and calculation will become an effective tool, and the numerical study of heat transfer will promote further development in the fields of thermal fluids and energy engineering, which is of great significance for the realization of the two-carbon goal.

The conference invited domestic and foreign experts and scholars, including Academician Tao Wenquan of Xi'an Jiaotong University, Chairman of Japan Fluid Mechanics Association, Professor Makoto Yamamoto of Tokyo University of Science, and Editor-in-Chief of Applied Thermal Engineering journal Professor C. N. Markides of Imperial College of Technology, to give 4 keynote speeches. 14 presentations and 48 invited presentations, 217 oral presentations and 76 exhibition presentations. Tao Wenquan introduced the development of VOSET and its application in the simulation of flow boiling in microtubes, Makoto Yamamoto reported on the simulation of deposition phenomena in jet engines in multiphysics, and C. N. Markides introduced the use of multiphysics to generate multiphysics and Synchronization techniques for multi-scale information. Relevant reports have carried out research and prospects on the fields of flow boiling, multi-physics flow phenomena, and multi-phase flow heat transfer, which are of great significance to the development of jet engine design, energy storage science and technology and other fields. In the end, 20 best paper awards and 5 best exhibition awards were selected by the organizing committee of the conference.

The Asia International Forum on Computational Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow is a first-class international conference in the disciplines of power engineering and engineering thermophysics. The conference aims to build an open platform for scholars and engineers engaged in flow and heat transfer research in various countries to exchange academic experiences and understand the latest trends in the industry. The platform provides researchers in related fields with opportunities for further cooperation, which is of great significance to the comprehensive construction of the discipline of engineering thermophysics and the improvement of the overall research level of the discipline.
