时贤 副教授
作者: 发布时间:2022-07-19 访问次数:8763
»姓名:时贤 »职称:副教授

»单位:油气井工程研究所 »最高学历/学位:博士
»学科:油气井工程学科,石油与天然气工程领域 »所学专业:油气井工程

(1) 水力压裂、井壁稳定;
(2) 地应力、岩石物理、油气井工程力学;
(3) 石油工程大数据;



[1] 致密储层水平井定面射孔水力压裂裂缝起裂与扩展机理(51704324),国家自然科学基金青年基金,2018.1—2020.12,主持
[2] 页岩气储层注CO2增产开发的流-固耦合作用机理(2016ZRE28133),山东省自然科学基金,2016.12—2018.11,主持
[3] 海水基压裂返排液超声波降解机制及关键技术(GG201809250165),山东省重点研发计划,2019.1—2020.12,主持
[4] 页岩气超临界CO2钻井水平井井壁稳定性研究(17CX02040A),学校自主创新项目,2017.1—2019.12 ,主持
[5] 页岩气储层水平井重复压裂力学机理研究(YJ20170044),人才引进经费,2018.1—2020.12,主持
[6] 富有机质页岩微观力学性质表征理论与方法,教育部重点实验室开放基金,2020.10-2022.10,主持
[7] 五峰-龙马溪组页岩基于岩屑的可压裂性地质评价方法研究,国家重点实验室开放基金,2017.10—2018.10,主持
[8] 海洋深水油气安全高效钻完井基础研究,国家973项目子课题(2015CB251200),2015.1-2019.8,参与
[9] 砂砾岩致密油示范区有利储层优选及建模,国家重大专项(2017ZX05070),2017.10-2020.6 ,参与
[10] 页岩油流动机理与开发优化的基础理论研究,石油化工联合基金重点项目(U1762213),2018/01-2021/12,参与
[11] 面向井间连通性的可演化物理导向网络模型研究,国家自然科学基金面上基金,2022.1—2025.12,参与
[12] 低渗透油藏压驱裂缝扩展规律及提高采收率机理研究,企事业横向课题,2020.8—2021.8,主持
[13] 靖西深层致密碳酸盐岩加砂压裂裂缝系统实验研究,企事业横向课题,2018.9—2019.9,主持
[14] 安塞杏河区块特低渗油藏中高含水期堵水调驱宽带压裂技术研究,企事业横向课题,2018.9—2019.9,主持
[15] 临兴地区地质工程一体化技术研究,企事业横向课题,2021.10-2022.12,主持
[16] 页岩气水平井重复压裂模型构建与应力场模拟,企事业横向课题,2020.6—2020.12,主持
[17] 深水地层钻井三压力预测理论研究及软件开发,企事业横向课题,2017.9—2018.12,主持
[18] 低渗砾岩储层水平井重复压裂真三轴实验,横向课题,企事业横向课题,2020.9—2021.06,主持
[19] 深层页岩压裂基础试验(岩石力学、裂缝导流、支撑剂运移等),企事业横向课题,2021.2-2021.12,主持
[20] 水基钻井液浸泡下的页岩力学参数变化规律研究,企事业横向课题,2020.7-2020.12,主持
[21] 复杂超深井井岩石力学和地应力联测实验研究,企事业横向课题,2019.6-2020.6,主持

[1]Xian Shi, Min Wang, Dianshi Xiao, et al. A comprehensive fracability evaluation of the glutenite formation in the Mahu Sag, China. Petroleum Science. (2022). SCI一区.
[2]Xian Shi, Shu Jiang, Liu Yang, et al. Modeling the viscoelasticity of shale by nanoindentation creep tests. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences. 127(2020):104210. SCI一区.
[3]Xian Shi, Lei Han, Qiaorong Han, et al., Experimental near-wellbore hydraulic fracture initiation and growth for horizontal wells with in-plane perforations. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering. 95 (2021) 104224. SCI二区.
[4]Xian Shi, Xiaoxin Ge, Yanming Zhang, et al., Experimental study on hydraulic fracture propagation behavior on dolomite rocks with open-hole completion. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering. (2022) SCI二区.
[5]Xian Shi, Haoyong Huang, Bo Zeng, et al., Fracture cluster spacing optimization with hydraulic fracturing-reservoir simulation modeling in shale gas reservoir. Geomechanics and Geophysics for Geo-Energy and Geo-Resources. (2022) SCI二区.
[6] Xian Shi, Xuefeng Yang, Wenhan Yue, et al. Experimental investigation on the creep behaviors of shale using nanoindentation technique and fractional constitutive models. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering. 215(2022) 110520. SCI二区.
[7]Xian Shi, Yong Qin, Hongxing Xu, et al., Numerical simulation of hydraulic fracture propagation in conglomerate reservoirs. Engineering fracture mechanism. 248(2021)107738. SCI二区.
[8]Xian Shi, Weiqiang Song, Tiankui Guo, et al., The impact of variable density in-plane perforations on fracture propagation and complexity control in the horizontal well. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering. 212(2022)110211. SCI二区.
[9]Xian Shi, Shu Jiang, Zhixuan Wang, et al. Application of nanoindentation technology for characterizing the mechanical properties of shale before and after supercritical CO2 fluid treatment. Journal of CO2 Utilization. 2020.37:158-172. SCI二区.
[10]Xian Shi, Shu Jiang, Shuangfang Lu, et al. Investigation of mechanical properties of bedded shale by nanoindentation tests: A case study on Lower Silurian Longmaxi Formation of Youyang area in southeast Chongqing, China. Petroleum Exploration and Development, 2019,46(1):163-172. SCI二区.
[11]Xian Shi, Weidong Zhang, Hongxing Xu, et al. Experimental study of hydraulic fracture initiation and propagation in unconsolidated sand with the injection of temporary plugging agent. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering. 190(2020)106813. SCI二区.
[12]Xian Shi, Min Wang, Zhixuan Wang, et al. A brittleness index evaluation method for weak-brittle rock by acoustic emission technique, Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering. 95 (2021) 104160. SCI二区.
[13]Xian Shi, Zhiliang He, Yongmin Peng, et al. Loading rate effect on the mechanical behavior of shale in nanoindentation. Journal of Hydrogen Energy. 2019.44(13):6481-6490. SCI二区.
[14]Xian Shi, Jian Wang, Xinmin Ge, et al. A new method for shale brittleness evaluation in tight oil formation from conventional logs and petrophysical analysis. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering. 5(2017) 752-770.SCI三区.
[15]Xian Shi, Gang Liu, Yuanfang Cheng, et al., Brittleness index prediction in shale gas reservoirs based on efficient network models. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering. 35 (2016) 673-685. SCI三区.
[16]Xian Shi, Jian Wang, Gang Liu, et al. Application of extreme learning machine in total organic carbon content prediction in organic shale with wire line logs. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering. S. 33 (2016) 687-702. SCI三区.
[17]Xian Shi, Hongxing Xu, Liu Yang et al. Removal of drilling and completion fluids induced formation damage with combination of ultrasonic and chemical technology. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering. 37 (2016) 471-478. SCI三区.
[18]Xian Shi, Yuanfang Cheng, Jun Cai, et al., The parametric analysis in the horizontal Stress Calculation Based on Numerical Inversion Method. Electronic Journal of Geotechnica Engineering.2013,18,5673-5684.
[19]Weidong Zhang, Xian Shi, Shu Jiang, et al. Experimental study of hydraulic fracture initiation and propagation in highly saturated methane-hydrate-bearing sands.79(2020)103338. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering. SCI二区.
[20]Liu Yang, Xian Shi, Hongkui Ge, et al. The effect of microstructure and rock mineralogy on water imbibition characteristics in tight reservoirs. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, 34(2016) 1461-1471. SCI三区.
[21]Weiqiang Song, Xian Shi, Chunguang Wang, et al. Predicting the radial heat transfer in the wellbore of cryogenic nitrogen fracturing: insights into stimulating underground reservoir. Energy science and engineering. 2020,8:582-591. SCI三区.
[22]Liu Yang, Hongkui Ge, Xian Shi, et al. Experimental and numerical study of the relationship between water imbibition and salt ion diffusion in fractured shale reservoirs. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering. 38(2017):283-297. SCI三区.
[23]Caiyun Xiao, Hongjian Ni, Xian Shi, et al., A fracture initiation model for carbon dioxide fracturing considering the bottom hole pressure and temperature condition. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering.184(2020):106541. SCI二区.
[24]Bing Bai, Hongjian Ni, Xian Shi, et al., The experimental investigation of effect of supercritical CO2 immersion on mechanical properties and pore structure of shale. Energy. 228(2021)120663. SCI一区收录.
[25]Caiyun Xiao, Hongjian Ni, Xian Shi, et al., Unsteady model for wellbore pressure transmission of carbon dioxide fracturing considering limited-flow outlet. Energy. 239(2021)122289. SCI一区收录.
[26]Caiyun Xiao, Hongjian Ni, Ruihe Wang, Hongjun Huo, Xian Shi, Mukun Li. Study on horizontal wellbore flow of supercritical carbon dioxide drilling. Applied Thermal Engineering.175(2020):115381. SCI二区.
[27]Mukun Li, Gang Wang, Weimin Cheng, Renjie Pu, Xian Shi. Study on horizontal wellbore flow of supercritical carbon dioxide drilling. Petroleum Exploration and Development, 2021,48(05):1-10. SCI二区.
[28]Songcai Han, Yuanfang Cheng, Qi Gao, Chuanliang Yan, Xian Shi. A fully coupled thermo-hydro-mechanical model with ice-water phase change for liquid nitrogen injection simulation. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering. 203(2021)108676. SCI二区.
[29]Songcai Han, Yuanfang Cheng, Qi Gao, Chuanliang Yan, Zhongying Han, Xian Shi Analysis of instability mechanisms of natural fractures during the approach of a hydraulic fracture. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering. 185(2020)106631.SCI二区.
[30]时贤,程远方,蒋恕等,页岩储层裂缝网络延伸模型及其应用.石油学报. 2014,35(6):1130-1137. EI收录.
[31]时贤,程远方,蒋恕等,页岩微观结构及岩石力学特征实验研究.岩石力学与工程学报. 2014.33(2),3439-3445.EI收录.
[32]时贤,程远方,蒋恕等,缺失声波条件下的页岩储层地应力测井解释方法.天然气工业. 2014.34(12):55-61 EI收录.
[33]时贤,张凯奥,程远方等,基于UFD理论的致密气藏分段压裂优化设计.特种油气藏. 2016,23(1):87-91.中文核心.
[34]时贤,程远方,常鑫等,页岩气水平井段内多簇裂缝同步扩展模型建立与应用.石油钻采工艺. 2018.40(1):79-84.中文核心.
[35]时贤,程远方,梅伟等,基于测井资料的地层孔隙压力预测方法研究.石油天然气学报. 2012,34(8):94-98中文核心.
[36]时贤,程远方,袁征等,定向井破裂压力预测方法及计算参数敏感性分析.科学技术与工程. 2012,12(31):8205-8209中文核心.
[38]时贤,李兆敏,刘成文等,稠油油藏多轮次蒸汽吞吐防砂后产能预测模型.油气地质与采收率. 2012,19(4):56-59.
[39]时贤,李兆敏,张虎贲等,超重油溶解气驱后转驱提高采收率实验.油气地质与采收率. 2015,.22(1):98-101.中文核心.
[40] Xian Shi, Yuanfang Cheng, Jun Cai, et al., The parametric analysis in the horizontal Stress Calculation Based on Numerical Inversion Method. Electronic Journal of Geotechnica Engineering.2013,18,5673-5684. EI收录.
[41]程远方,时贤,李蕾等,考虑裂隙发育的碳酸盐地层孔隙压力预测新模型.中国石油大学学报(自然科学版). 2013,37(3):83-87.EI收录.
[42]冯其红,李东杰,时贤等,基于扩展有限元的水平井改进拉链式压裂数值模拟.中国石油大学学报(自然科学版). 2019,43(2):105-112.EI收录.
[43]程远方,李友志,时贤等,页岩气体积压裂缝网模型分析及应用.天然气工业. 2013,33(9):53-59.EI收录.
[44]常鑫,程远方,时贤等,水平井分段压裂簇间应力作用分析.中国海上油气. 2016, 28(02):109-119. 中文核心.
[45]常鑫,程远方,时贤等,定向射孔体积压裂复杂裂缝扩展机理试验研究.中国海上油气. 2016, 28(02):109-119. 中文核心.
[46]程远方,董丙响,时贤, 等,页岩气藏三孔双渗模型的渗流机理.天然气工业,2012,32(09):44-47+130. EI收录

[1] 模拟水力压裂裂缝和天然裂缝扩展影响的实验装置及方法.1/3.
[2] 一种利用大功率超声波结合分支水平井热采页岩气的工艺方法.1/4.
[3] 基于数字散斑和有限元技术的无损岩石力学测试装置与方法.1/6.
[4] 一种通过支持向量机获取全页岩气井段可压性评价剖面的方法.1/6.
[5] 一种全寿命周期页岩气储层双甜点三维可压性评估方法.1/6.
[6] 一种基于微观力学实验的层理性页岩储层可压性评估方法.1/7.
[7] 基于动态地应力和剩余油特征的暂堵重复压裂设计方法.1/6.
[8] 一种超声波技术进行钻完井废液循环利用处理装置与方法.1//8.
[9] 一种确定性裂缝建模和竞争粒子群算法的三维地应力场模拟方法.1/7.

[1] Xian Shi, Wenbiao Huang, Shuangfang Lu et al. The Rock Mechanical Properties and Failure Behavior of Glutenite. YSRM2019 & REIF2019, 1-4 December 2019, Okinawa, Japan. 1/7
[2] Xian Shi, Dongjie Li, Yuanfang Cheng et al. The Numerical Simulation of Hydraulic Fracture Propagation with Competing Perforations at the Defining Plane. SPE Asia Pacific Oil and Gas Conference and Exhibition, 23-25 October, Brisbane, Australia. SPE191887. 排名1/5
[3] Xian Shi, Shu Jiang, Zhixuan Wang et al. The Application of Drilling Cutting to Evaluate the Fracability in Unconventional Shale Gas Resources. SPE/IATMI Asia Pacific Oil & Gas Conference and Exhibition. SPE196529. 排名:1/6.
[4] Xian Shi, Yuanfang Cheng, Xin Chang et al. A novel finite element technique with triangular gird for hydraulic fracture propagation simulation in reservoirs. 49th US Rock Mechanics/Geomechanics Symposium. San Francisco. 28 June-1 July, U.S.A.2014.6. ARMA Paper No.15-20. 排名:1/6.
[5] Xian Shi, Gang Liu, Shu Jiang et al. Brittleness Index Prediction from Conventional Well Logs in Unconventional Reservoirs using Artificial Intelligence.10th International Petroleum Technology Conference. Bangkok.Tailand.2016. 11. Paper No.16IPTC-P-1135.2016.11. EI收录. 排名:1/6.
[6] Xian Shi, Liu Yang, Dongjie Li et al. Mechanical Characterization of Longmaxi Marine Shale by Nanoindentation. ARMS10-P-0167. ARMS 10th Asian Rock Mechanics Symposium. 29 OCT - 03 NOV 2018, Singapore. 排名:1/4
[7] Xian Shi, Dongjie Li Liu Yang et al. Fracture propagation in multi-lateral horizontal wells with zipper fracturing of non-uniform spacing. 52th US Rock Mechanics/Geomechanics Symposium. San Francisco. U.S.A.2018.6. ARMA Paper No.18-343. 排名:1/6.
[8] Xian Shi, Liang Zhang, Yuanfang Cheng et al. Pore structure and Mechanical Property Change of different rocks under nitrogen freezing.51th US Rock Mechanics/Geomechanics Symposium. San Francisco. U.S.A.2014.6. ARMA Paper No.17-212. 排名:1/6
[9] Xian Shi, Liu Yang, Qiaorong Han et al. Application of acoustic emission, anisotropy of acoustic velocity and palaeomagnetie technology to determine in-situ stress in tight sands. 2017 International Symposium on New Developments in Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering (NDRMGE 2017). Jeuju-Si. Korea. 排名:1/3.
[10] Xian Shi, Yuanfang Cheng, Menglai Li et al. Induced stress interaction during multi-stage hydraulic fracturing from horizontal wells using boundary element method. 2017 International Symposium on New Developments in Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering (NDRMGE 2017). Jeuju-Si. Korea. 排名:1/4.
[11] 时贤,祝东风,杨柳,等.注CO2提高页岩气采收率数值模拟研究.中国力学大会.2017.中国北京.排名:1/4.
[12] 时贤. 基于微纳米技术的页岩力学性质评价研究.中国微米纳米技术学会首届微纳米表征与测量技术研讨会.2021.8.四川成都.
[13] Liu Yang, Xian Shi, Hongkui Ge, et al. The Effects of Fracturing Fluid Imbibition on Fracture Conductivity in Tight Reservoirs. 51st U.S. Rock Mechanics/Geomechanics Symposium, 25-28 June, San Francisco, California, USA. 排名:2/8.
[14] Liu Yang, Xian Shi, Hongkui Ge, et al. Effects of Microfractures Properties on Stress-Dependent Permeability in Tight Oil Reservoirs. 52nd U.S. Rock Mechanics/Geomechanics Symposium, 17-20 June, Seattle, Washington. USA. EI收录.排名:3/7.
[15] Xin Chang, Xian Shi, Yuanfang Cheng et al. The fully coupled fluid flow and Geo-Mechanics model for simulating simultaneous multiple hydraulic fracture propagation for horizontal wells. 49th US Rock Mechanics/Geomechanics Symposium. San Francisco. U.S.A.2014.6. ARMA Paper No.15-607. 排名:2/6.
[16] Liu Yang, Hongkui Ge, Xian Shi et al. New Method to Differentiate Between Matrix and Micro-Fractures Using Diffusion Data in Gas Shale. ARMA-2017-0553. 51st U.S. Rock Mechanics/Geomechanics Symposium, 25-28 June, San Francisco, California, USA. 排名:2/6.
[17] Shu Jiang, Zhengyu Xu, Xian Shi et al. Tectonic Effects on Gas Accumulation, Production and Hydraulic Fracturing of the Lower Paleozoic Marine Shales on the Yangtze Platform in South China, AAPG Datapages/Search and Discovery. 2015 International Conference & Exhibition, Melbourne, Australia, September 13-16, 2015. 排名:3/4.
[18] 许洪星,时贤,冀明实,等.封隔器对页岩气水平井裸眼分段压裂起裂压力的影响. 2017年全国天然气学术年会论文集. 浙江 杭州. 排名:2/3.

时贤,男,2014年6月博士毕业于中国石油大学(华东)油气井工程专业,国家工程实验室高压水射流研究中心骨干成员,现为SPE会员,国际岩石力学协会和中国岩石力学协会会员。主要从事多尺度岩石力学表征、地质力学建模、非常规地质工程一体化压裂设计、清洁/无水压裂技术、井壁失稳、大数据石油工程应用等方面的科研工作。在国内外知名SCI期刊和SPE等国际会议上发表科研论文80余篇,曾主持和完成省部级和国家级课题5项;作为主要研究人员参与国家973项目、国家重大专项子课题,国家自然科学基金重点项目、国家自然科学基金石油化工联合基金项目4项。担任《天然气工业》青年编委以及 Fuel、Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering、Journal of Natural gas science and Engineering、Energy Science & Engineering、Engineering fracture mechanism、Journal of Mechanics、Geofluids、Arabian Journal of Geosciences、石油科学通报、天然气地球科学、天然气工业等23个SCI/EI期刊以及美国岩石力学协会年会会议论文的特约审稿人。相关研究成果已成功应用于长庆油田、胜利油田、渤海油田、江汉油田、西南油气田、准噶尔南缘玛湖等非常规油气田和地区。
