Alumnus Li Ning is elected academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering

By Li Yong2019-11-23Visited46times

On November 22, the Chinese Academy of Engineering announced the list of 75 newly elected academicians and 29 foreigner academicians. Li Ning, a 1977 grade alumnus majoring in logging of our institute, was listed among them.

Li Ning, professor level engineer, chief specialist of the Research Institute of Petroleum Exploration and Development (RIPED). The first doctor of Geophysics and well logging in China directed by academician Weng Wenbo and Mr. Tan Tingdong, who graduated from East China Institute of petroleum. In the past 40 years, he has served as the director of more than 20 national and provincial science and technology projects, and the first project director of the national major oil and gas project major logging equipment and software. He has made outstanding contributions on the research of geophysical logging theory and method, the establishment of complex reservoir logging evaluation system and the development of large-scale logging software. In 2017, Li NIng was granted as the Visiting professor of our school.
