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Professor Dongzhi Zhang was selected into the list of world’s top 2% scientists

Author:Publisher:李芳Update Date:2021-11-26View Times:10

Recently, Elsevier, the world's largest academic publisher, and Stanford University announced a new global standardized Citation Index General author database (as of August 1, 2021), that is, the ranking database of career long impact and single year impact of 100000 general scientists in the world. According to the data of this issue, Professor Zhang Dongzhi of our college was selected into the annual influence list of the world's top 2% scientists (2020) and the lifelong scientific influence list of the world's top 2% scientists (1960-2020). He is at the international leading level in his research field and has high international academic influence.

Standardized Citation Index General author database was jointly launched by Elsevier BV and Stanford University in the United States, covering 22 fields and 176 sub fields in the global scientific community. The world's top 2% of scientists were selected from nearly 7 million scientists. The database is based on the world's largest citation and Citation Database - Scopus database, based on citations and h index (h-index), CO authorship adjusted HM index, citations to papers in different authorship positions and a composite indicator are six indicators to rank global scientists in big data. Career long impact The list counts the comprehensive impact performance of scientists during their career; the list of single year impact focuses more on the academic impact of scientists in the previous year. This data provides a measurement index for scientists' long-term scientific research performance and influence, which aims to reflect scientists' academic influence more objectively and truly.
