The Department of Electrical Engineering invited Dr. Chengzong Pang to teach students the course of the International Education Week


On June 28th, the Department of Electrical Engineering invited Dr. Chengzong Pang, associate professor of Wichita State University, to explain the introduction of electric power system course online to the 2020 students, from electrical engineering, vehicle engineering, offshore oil and gas engineering, environmental engineering, etc. Major students listened to the course in classroom 415 of Nantang, and Associate Professor Zhang Lixia hosted the course on the spot.

Dr. Pang introduced the basic theory of power system to students with the teaching method of American University, as well as related knowledge such as energy regulation and management of new energy integration, so as to improve students' knowledge of power system. Dr. Chengzong Pang is Associate Professor, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Wichita State University, Wichita, Kansas, USA, PSERC Site Director, ECE Graduate Program Director, Smart Grid Protection Laboratory Director, and has served on the Texas Electric Reliability Commission. (ERCOT' as a Market Support Analyst (2012-2013). His research interests include power system analysis, protection, stability and control, cascading blackouts; renewable energy integration in smart grids, and public policy related to competitive power systems and technical issues.

International Education Week is an educational and teaching activity for schools to improve the internationalization level of education, increase the introduction of high-quality overseas educational resources, and improve the global competence of talents. This year is the third time. Dr. Pang will teach a two-week course for our students.
