
作者:付鲁菲 时间:2019-07-11 点击次数:7914


个人简介:王珣,博士,硕士生导师。2007年6月毕业于青岛大学数学与应用数学专业,获得理学学士学位;2010年6月毕业于广西师范大学基础数学专业,获得理学硕士学位:2015年3月毕业于日本筑波大学社会系统与管理专业,获得工学博士学位。2015年12 月至2018年1月在中国石油大学(华东)化学工程学院化学工程与技术博士后流动站工作。于2018年1月在中国石油大学(华东)计算机与通信工程学院工作至今。





《机器学习》、《人工智能》、《Deep Learning》、《机器学习实践》、《计算机程序设计C(2-1)


1. 面向照影CT的血管与肿瘤智能化3D重建系统技术开发2021-11-08-至今 10万 主持

2. 面向造影CT的血管与肿瘤智能化3D重建系统技术开发2021-10-28-至今 10万 主持

3. 药物委托开发合同项目技术开发2021-09-28-至今 150万 主持

4. 基于深度学习的脑白质高信号3D 重建与体积精准测量方法及其临床应用,2021.01-2022.12,No.202019148 ,10万,在研主持

5. 基于自学习脉冲神经膜系统的早期肺癌分型智能诊断及其在临床中的应用研究,2019.09-2023.12No.61972416 ,70.8万,在研主持

6. 基于CT影像和病理数据融合的肺癌智能诊断方法研究,2019.06-2021.07,No.2019GGX101067 ,15万,在研,主持

7. 程序语义缺陷充分检测与自动修复研究,2019.03-2021.12,No.19CX02028A ,15万,在研

8. 大规模图数据的拓扑表达性和超低复杂度可计算性研究,2018-08-16-2022-12-31No:6187328177万,在研

9. 大数据环境下的胆结石致病关键因素挖掘及其病症动力学演化模型研究,2018.01-2020.12No.18CX02152A ,10万,在研主持

10. 基于脉冲神经膜系统的细胞核定位信号识别方法研究,学校项目(人才引进)2017.1-2019.12,No:YJ2016010033万,在研,主持

11. 基于DNA折纸术的纳米器件研究 国家自然科学基金(参与)_面上项目 2017.1-2019.12,No:6167224816万,在研,主持

12. 基于脉冲神经膜系统的细胞核输出信号活性预测方法研究中国博士后科学基金 2016.5-2017.12No:2016M59226785万,已结题,主持

13. 基于脉冲神经膜系统的细胞核输出信号识别方法研究国家自然科学基金_青年科学基金项目 2015.10-2018.12,No:6150253520万, 在研,主持

14. 基于大家族生物序列数据的多位点连锁IBD计算和性状位点定位方法研究国家自然科学基金_面上项目2015-10-13-2019-12-31,No:61572522,80.4万,已结题


1. Wang X, Zhong Y, Ding M. Repositioning Drugs to the Mitochondrial Fusion Protein 2 by Three-Tunnel Deep Neural Network for Alzheimer's Disease. Accepted to appear inFrontiers in Genetics.(SCI一区)

2. Wang X, Li H, Wang L, et al. An improved YOLOv3 model for detecting location information of ovarian cancer from CT images. Accepted to appear inIntelligent Data Analysis.(SCI四区)

3. Wang X, Wang F, Wang X, et al. DEMLP: DeepWalk Embedding in MLP for miRNA-Disease Association Prediction.Accepted to appear inJournal of Sensors.(SCI)

4. Wang X, Liu D, Zhu J, et al. CSConv2d: A 2-D Structural Convolution Neural Network with a Channel and Spatial Attention Mechanism for Protein-Ligand Binding Affinity Prediction. Accepted to appear inBiomolecules.(SCI)

5. Pang Shanchen, Ding Tong, Qiao Sibo, Meng Fan, Wang Shuo, Li Pibao,Wang Xun.A novel YOLOv3-arch model for identifying cholelithiasis and classifying gallstones on CT images.Accepted to appear inPLOS ONE.(SCI)

6. Pang Shanchen, Wang Shudong, Song Tao, Wang Xun, Zheng Pan. Special Issue on Service-Oriented Computing. Accepted to appear inJOURNAL OF ORGANIZATIONAL AND END USER COMPUTING.(SCI)

7. Zhangxiao Li, Lei Zhang, Yansen Su, Jun Li,Xun Wang.A skin membrane-driven membrane algorithm for many-objective optimization. Accepted to appear inNeural Computing and Applications, DOI: 10.1007/s00521-016-2675-z. 2018.(SCI 一区)

8. Zhangxiao, Li Lei Zhang, Yansen Su, Jun Li,Xun Wang. A skin membrane-driven membrane algorithm for many-objective optimization. Accepted to appear inNeural Computing and Applications, DOI: 10.1007/s00521-016-2675-z. 2018(SCI 一区)

9. Wang X, Zheng P, Ma T, et al. Small universal bacteria and plasmid computing systems.Accepted to appear inMolecules.(SCI)

10. Wang X, Sun B, Liu B, et al. A novel method for multifactorial bio-chemical experiments design based on combinational design theory. Accepted to appear inPlos one.(SCI)

11. Zeng Xiangxiang, Liu Li, Leung Stephen, Du Jiangze,Wang Xun, Li, Tao. A decision support model for investment on P2P lending platform.Accepted to appear inPlos one.(SCI)

12. Wang X, Zheng P. A Note on Reversible and Dual Extended Spiking Neural P Systems. Accepted to appear inJournal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience.(EI)

13. Zhihua Chen, Pan Zhang, Tingfang Wu, Xiaolong Shi,Xun Wang. A Novel Computational Approach to Predict Activity of Nuclear Export Signals. Acceptedto appear inJournal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience, DOI: 10.1166/jctn.2015.4752. 2016.(EI)

14. Tao Song, Pan Zheng, M.L. Dennis Wong,Xun Wang(Corresponding author), Design of Logic Gates Using Spiking Neural P Systems with Homogeneous Neurons and Astrocytes-like Control,Acceptedto appear inInformation Science, DOI 10.1016/j.ins.2016.08.055.(SCI一区)

15. Wu Tingfang,Wang Xun, Zhang Zheng, Gong Faming, Song Tao, Chen Zhihua, Zhang Pan, Zhao, Yang. NES-REBS: A novel nuclear export signal prediction method using regular expressions and biochemical propertie. JOURNAL OF BIOINFORMATICS AND COMPUTATIONAL BIOLOGY.SCI四区

16. Xun Wang, Tao Song, Faming Gong, Pan Zheng. On the computational power of spiking neural P systems with self-organization. Acceptedto appear in Scientific reports, DOI: 10.1038/srep27624. 2016.(SCI 一区)

17. Li Zhongwei , Xia Shengyu , Jiang Yun , Sun Beibei , Xin Yuezhen ,Wang Xun. A hybrid “fast-slow” convergent framework for genetic algorithm inspired by membrane computing. Acceptedto appear inCommunications in Computer and Information Science.

18. Li Zhongwei, Xin Yuezhen,Wang Xun, Sun Beibei, Xia Shengyu, Li Hui, Zhu Hu. Optimization to the Culture Conditions for Phellinus Production with Regression Analysis and Gene-Set Based Genetic Algorithm. Acceptedto appear inBIOMED RESEARCH INTERNATIONAL.SCI四区

19. Zhihua Chen, Pan Zhang,Xun Wang, Xiaolong Shi, Tingfang Wu, Pan Zheng. A computational approach for nuclear export signals identification using spiking neuralneural P systems.Acceptedto appear inNeural Computing and Applications.(SCI三区)

20. Xun Wang, Tao Song, Pan Zheng, Shaohua Hao, Tongmao Ma. Spiking neural P systems with anti-spikes and without annihilating priority. Accepted to appear inRammian Journal of Science and Technology, DOI: 10.1109/jsee.2014.00053. 2017.(SCI四区)

21. Xin Li,Xun Wang, Tao Song*, Wei Lu, Zhihua Chen, Xiaolong Shi. A Novel Computational Method to Reduce Leaky Reaction in DNA Strand Displacement. Accepted to appear inJournal of Analytical Methods in Chemistry,DOI: 10.1155/2015/675827, 2015.(SCI三区)

22. Xun Wang, Ying Miao, Minquan Cheng. Finding Motifs in DNA Sequences Using Low-Dispersion Sequences. Accepted to appear inJournal of Computational Biology, DOI: 10.1089/cmb.2013.0054, 2014.(SCI三区)

23. Tao Song,Xun Wang. Homogeneous Spiking Neural P Systems with Inhibitory synapses. Accepted to appear inNeural Processing Letter,DOI: 10.1007/s11063-014-9352-y, 2014.(SCI四区)

24. Tao Song,Xun Wang, Zhujin Zhang, Zhihua Chen. Homogenous Spiking Neural P Systems with Anti-spikes. Accepted to appear inNeural Computing and Applications,DOI: 10.1007/s00521-013-1397-8, 2014.(SCI一区)

25. Wang Xun, Miao Ying. GAEM: A Hybrid Algorithm Incorporating GA with EM for Planted Edited Motif Finding Problem, Current Bioinformatics. Accepted to appear inCurrent Bioinformatics,DOI: 10.2174/1574893609666140901222327, 2014.(SCI四区)

26. Song T,Wang X,Su Y. A novel approach to identify protein coding domains by sampling binary profiles from genome. Accepted to appear inJournal of2014Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience.(SCI)

27. Tao Song,Xun Wang(Corresponding author), Zhujin Zhang, and Liu Hong, Detecting Motifs in DNA Sequences by Branching from Neighbors of Qualified Potential Motifs,Accepted to appear inJournal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience.(SCI)

28. Xun Wang, Tao Song, Zhongyu Wang, Yansen Su, and Xueming Liu, MRPGA: Motif Detecting by Modified Random Projection Strategy and Genetic Algorithm,Accepted to appear inJournal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience.(SCI)

29. Tao Song,Xun Wang (Corresponding author), Hongjiang Zheng, Time-free Solution to Hamilton Path Problems Using P Systems with d-Division,Accepted to appear inJournal of Applied Mathematics, DOI: 10.1155/2013/975798.(SCI)

30. Xun Wang, Zhongyu Wang, Tao Song, An Improved Immune Genetic Algorithm for Weak Signal Motif Detecting Problems,Accepted to appear inInternational Journal of Computer Applications.(SCI)

31. Xun Wang, Dianhua Wu, Minquan Cheng,The Existence of (q, k, λ, t)-ADFs for k=4, 5, 6,Accepted to appear inJournal of Statistical Planning and Inference,

32. Xun Wang, Dianhua Wu, The Existence of Almost Difference Families,Accepted to appear inJournal of Statistical Planning and Inference.(SCI)


1. 高等学校科学研究优秀成果奖科技进步奖(二等奖):面向能源行业的智能服务软件关键技术及应用项目,2017年;

2. 高等学校科学研究优秀成果奖科技进步奖(二等奖):边云协同的油气物联网智能决策关键技术及应用,2019年

3. 2019年中国产学研合作创新成果奖


1. 发明专利:基于着色脉冲神经膜系统的任意循环工作流模式,CN201710417750.2,宋弢,孟凡,王珣,陈红旗,马同茂

2. 发明专利:基于着色脉冲神经膜系统的鉴别工作流模式,CN201710419029.7,宋弢,郝少华,王珣,马同茂,陈红旗

3. 发明专利:基于着色脉冲神经膜系统的延迟选择工作流模式,CN201710419206.1,宋弢,孟凡,王敏,王珣,陈红旗

4. 发明专利:基于着色脉冲神经膜系统的里程碑工作流模式,CN201710441792.X,宋弢,马同茂,王珣,丁桐,王敏

5. 发明专利:基于着色脉冲神经膜系统的先验运行时间多实例工作流模式,CN201710441810.4,宋弢,马同茂,丁桐,王珣,王丽华

6. 发明专利:一种基于脉冲神经膜系统和匀质神经细胞的逻辑与门设计方法,CN201610542428.8,宋弢,庞善臣,王淑栋,王珣

7. 发明专利:一种基于脉冲神经膜系统和匀质神经细胞的逻辑非门设计方法,CN201610542427.3,宋弢,庞善臣,王淑栋,王珣

8. 发明专利:一种基于脉冲神经膜系统和匀质神经细胞的逻辑或门设计方法,CN201610547970.2,宋弢,庞善臣,王淑栋,王珣

9. 发明专利:一种基于脉冲神经膜系统和匀质神经细胞的逻辑或非门设计方法,CN201610542375.X,宋弢,庞善臣,王淑栋,王珣

10. 发明专利:一种基于脉冲神经膜系统和匀质神经细胞的逻辑异或门设计方法,CN201610547969.X,王珣,朱虎,李忠伟,崔学荣

11. 发明专利:一种基于脉冲神经膜系统和匀质神经细胞的逻辑与非门设计方法,CN201610547968.5,王珣,朱虎,李忠伟,崔学荣

12. 发明专利:用于人工神经网络法优化培养基的试验设计方法,CN201610948640.4,王珣,朱虎,李忠伟

13. 发明专利:一种基于密码子模板的真核生物功能基因序列搜索方法,CN201710610516.1,王珣,宋弢,朱虎

14. 发明专利:基于着色脉冲神经膜系统的交替平行路由工作流模式,CN201710419156.7,宋弢,王丽华,王珣,郝少华,王敏

15. 发明专利:基于着色脉冲神经膜系统的异步多实例工作流模式,CN201710441959.2,王珣,丁桐,宋弢,郝少华,王硕

16. 发明专利:基于着色脉冲神经膜系统的非先验运行时间多实例工作流模式,CN201710442206.3,王珣,王硕,宋弢,郝少华,王敏

17. 发明专利:基于着色脉冲神经膜系统的同步合并工作流模式,CN201710442285.8,王珣,丁桐,郝少华,宋弢,马同茂

18. 发明专利:基于深度学习的胆结石自动识别及分割系统、计算机设备、存储介质,CN202011302775.6,宋弢孟凡王珣谢鹏飞李颖庞皓月

19. 发明专利:一种增强现实场景下基于边云协同的任务调度策略,CN201911085280.X,王淑栋李艳青庞善臣王珣

20. 发明专利:一种基于前期灾变策略的遗传与差分混合进化云计算任务调度算法,CN201911082199.6,王淑栋李艳青庞善臣王珣

21. 发明专利:一种基于深度学习的肺部肿瘤自动勾画方法,CN201910917418.1,庞善臣孟璠王珣董立媛张亚钦

22. 发明专利:一种基于深度学习的肺癌分期预测方法,CN201910658918.8,王淑栋董立媛王珣孟璠张亚钦

23. 发明专利:一种基于计算机视觉与CT影像的肺癌病理类型诊断方法,CN201910658802.4,王淑栋董立媛王珣孟璠张亚钦

24. 发明专利:一种基于队列缓存平衡因子的MPTCP传输控制方法,CN201910458276.7,庞善臣姚加敏王珣贺思程张莉

25. 发明专利:一种基于排队网络的MPTCP Incast性能评价模型CN201910457432.8,庞善臣;姚加敏;王珣;王淑玉;丁桐;

26. 发明专利:一种基于改进灰关联分析法的MPTCP路径选择方法,CN201910458626.X,王珣姚加敏张莉丁桐韩宁生

27. 发明专利:一种基于混沌蚁群系统的云中科学工作流费用优化调度方法,CN201910383575.9,庞善臣王淑玉王珣李艳青徐克祥

28. 发明专利:一种云中科学工作流下截止期限约束的费用优化调度方法CN201910205996.2,庞善臣王淑玉王珣徐克祥董德坤

29. 发明专利:一种云中科学工作流下费用预算约束的时间优化调度方法CN201910228348,庞善臣王淑玉王珣董德坤翟雪

30. 发明专利:基于遗传学规律的等位基因准确推断方法,CN201811282081.3,王淑栋,王珣

31. 发明专利:一种基于深度学习的胆石病智能诊断APP,CN201811554740.4,王珣 ,王硕 ,孟凡 ,丁桐 

32. 发明专利:一种基于深度学习的胆石病CT医疗图像快速识别方法,CN201811282081.3,宋弢 ,王硕 ,王珣 ,丁桐 ,孟凡

33. 发明专利:一种基于深度学习的胆石病CT医疗图像数据增强方法,CN201811037162.7,王硕 ,宋弢 ,王珣 ,丁桐 ,孟凡

34. 发明专利:一种基于酶数值膜系统的快速并行求符合条件数值模型,CN201810587852.3,王珣 ,王硕 ,丁桐 ,姚加敏 ,乔思波

35. 发明专利:Eucaryon functional gene sequence search method based on codon template,CN:201710610516:A,王珣 ,宋弢 ,朱虎

36. 发明专利:基于着色脉冲神经膜系统的顺序工作流模式,CN201710232896.X,庞善臣,张伟光,宋弢,王珣,陈红旗

37. 发明专利:基于着色脉冲神经膜系统的同步工作流模式,CN201710220436.5,庞善臣,张伟光,宋弢,王珣,高倩

38. 发明专利:基于着色脉冲神经膜系统的平行拆分工作流模式,CN201710220988.6,庞善臣,郝少华,宋弢,王珣,王敏

39. 发明专利:一种逻辑异或门电路及逻辑异或门电路设计方法,CN202010193572.1,王珣,朱虎,李忠伟,崔学荣

40. 发明专利:一种逻辑非门电路及逻辑非门电路设计方法,CN202010193570.2,宋弢,庞善臣,王淑栋,王珣

41. 发明专利:一种逻辑或门电路及逻辑或门电路设计方法,CN202010193052.0,宋弢,庞善臣 ,王淑栋 ,王珣

42. 发明专利:一种逻辑或非门电路及逻辑或非门电路设计方法,CN202010193571.7,宋弢 ,庞善臣 ,王淑栋 ,王珣

43. 发明专利:一种逻辑与门电路及逻辑与门电路设计方法,CN202010193051.6,宋弢 ,庞善臣 ,王淑栋 ,王珣

44. 发明专利:一种逻辑与非门电路及逻辑与非门电路设计方法,CN202010193569.X,王珣 ,朱虎 ,李忠伟 ,崔学荣


