
Role of digitalization in energy storage technological innovation: Evidence from China


Booming digital technologies have brought profound changes to the energy sector. Digitalization in energystorage technology facilitate new opportunities toward modernized low-carbon energy systems. This study offersa technological perspective to help understand the role of digitalization in energy storage development. Wedepict the landscape of convergence between digital and energy storage technologies based on a patent coclassification analysis and investigate the impact of the digital transformation on energy storage innovationthrough a firm-level empirical analysis. Our findings demonstrate a significant upward digital trend in energystorage technology, with main interaction fields ranging from daily life power supplies to regional energy powersystems. Meanwhile, digitalization positively promotes technological innovation in energy storage, of whichdigitization and Internet of Things strategy make more decisive contributions. We provide implications for theachievement of cross-regional energy systems through the internal coordination between energy storage anddigitalization. The findings shed light on the coordinated development of digitalization and energy system toward a more sustainable and smart society.


1.A technological landscape of the digital trends in energy storage technological innovation is provided.

2.The significant role of digitalization in promoting energy storage technological innovation is verified.

3.Digitization and Internet of Things strategies are found to make more decisive contributions on energy storage technological innovation.

4.The internal coordination between energy storage and digitalization provides a promising pathway toward the cross-regional integrated energy system.


Edited: Zhang Haoyu

Reviewed: Wang Menghan
